Friday, August 29, 2008

optimistic trumpet

Well, I just had my first week back at school! It was a surprisingly short week - I'm going to savor these first few weeks and pump out my creative energy, since once the assignments start piling on it'll be incredibly hard to take a breather! XD

We have a new art teacher this year. Our homework was to introduce ourselves using visual means, in 1-2 pages.
In other news, I've been planning on signing up for a table at HomeRun Boogie - it's an Ookiku Furikabutte ONLY doujinshi event! It'll be my first time doing something like that.. I think it would be a great experience, and it's definitely affordable. Besides, I really don't draw enough Oofuri fanart. XD

So, I've got a couple of vague ideas floating around for doujinshi which I need to figure out. Here are a couple of drawings to work out the drawing style I'll be using.

1 comment:

leyla said...

I'd so totally buy your doushinji it's not even funny. D:

And that is one -beast- introduction. O_o